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Lazy Sunday

posted by Kendra on

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After two days of dog sitting for friends, our dogs were wiped out. Evidence:

I spent the day working on another pencil skirt. I took the waist in a bit from the last one that I made, and it fits much better now. Now that I have an abundance of silk organza I cut a piece to use as a pressing cloth, and the seams of the polyester suiting are much sharper. I even went back and re-pressed the hem of my previous skirt because it was still a little less sharp than I like.

Last week, I had issues with the lining. Today, I had issues with the zipper. (Though technically I had issues last week since the overlap was reversed from the directions I had. Even though it still looks good. And went in the first time with no issues.) Here's hoping the next 2 skirts I have go together a bit more smoothly.

I'm hoping to talk either my husband or sister into taking pictures of me in what I'm sewing. Both of them are excellent photographers. I just have to deal with my own mental block against being photographed. :)

In the meantime, a view from my sewing room:

email: kendrabork(a)gmail.com

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